
Baby Sister

For our Christmas Card this year I wanted to get a photo of Kade with his baby sister. It's just an ultrasound photo but I thought it would be a nice way of including her. I spent an hour and a half bribing him with M&M's trying to get just *one* good shot. The last photo ended up being the one I used, it captured the last 1.5 hours pretty well. I asked him to hold up the photo of his baby sister, smile and he would get 3 M&M's! Easy, right? Not so much... 

Winter Wonderland

I'm not a *huge* fan of winter because of the freezing temperatures BUT I am in love with what it looks like outside right now. It's like a dreamy winter wonderland. I have enjoyed little mini sessions with my son and family in recent weeks. Our toes might be frozen by the time we get inside but it's totally worth it...

Baby Love

I recently took maternity photos for a friend from High School.  I was honored to share such a happy time in her life.  We were comparing prego bellies and belly buttons. My belly has stretch marks and my belly button pops out (seriously creepy) while hers is the *most* perfect prego belly I've ever seen. It's just not right...
